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Top 100 Filmmakers 2015-2018
Top 100 Filmmakers 2015-2018


Rev Comfort Owoeye
Rev Comfort Owoeye


Rev Comfort Owoeye
Description: Rev Comfort Owoeye is an inspirational woman of vision and mission, with over 40 years of experience in the Ministerial and Evangelical field of the Gospel of Christ Jesus.
She has over 25 years of charity business experience in community outreach and ex-offender reformation programs.

She continues to build up the lives of thousands, both nationally and internationally every year through education, housing, empowerment and mentorship programmes.

She is the Founder & CEO of Comfort Classic Designs, Co-founder of CMNMedia & Reachout Homes, and Director of charity projects at home and abroad.
Her textile designs have graced international celebrities and promote the glory of national beauty.

She is a multi-winning Awardee of Excellency, Recognition, Appreciation and Philanthropy Awards.
In addition to her nurturing community leadership, and her care as a loving mother, she is a courageous and marvelous mother of children who will always be proud of her tenacity, generosity and business ability.
Last and not the least, she continues to pioneer Gods love through family, charity, fashion and faith; remaining eternally grateful to God Almighty through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour for every achievement. AMEN
Keywords: Rev Comfort Owoeye, Fashion designer, Evangelist
Date: 15.01.2024 16:04
Hits: 203
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File size: 950.4 KB
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